« Entamé au début de ma carrière en 2007, mon voyage du héros -de l’héroïne- se poursuit par une catabase picturale dans les enfers de la mythologie grecque. Après une hospitalisation en psychiatrie, ma création explose, la figuration devient abstraction, traduisant l’éclatement de ma psyché. »
"Begun at the start of my career in 2007, my hero's -heroin's- journey continues with a pictorial catabase into the underworld of Greek mythology. After being hospitalized in a psychiatric ward, my creative process exploded, and figurative art became abstract, reflecting the breakdown of my psyche."

Plaster, acrylic paint, gouache, gold leaf, doll body members and eyes, small bells, pearls, amethyst, crystals, material, false eyelashes, teeth, metal, quartz, skin, Barbie shoes, 2013

Plaster, acrylic paint, gouache, dry pastel, varnish, gold leaf, copper leaf, pearls, mirrors, crystals, glitter, doll eyes, false eyelashes, metal on canvas, 2013

Acrylic paint, gouache, gold leaf, copper leaf, silver leave, pearls, crystals, glitter, doll eyes, false eyelashes, metal on skin, 2013

« Je commence par assembler, broder ou nouer sur des toiles ou d’autres supports des morceaux de cuir, de dentelle, des cheveux, des dents, des rubans, des miroirs, des perles, des pierres dures, des membres et des yeux de poupées, ainsi que d’autres trésors collectionnés au fil du temps.
Puis je procède à un ensevelissement de ces œuvres-fétiches sous le plâtre. Ce sacrifice rituel et incontournable précède l’exhumation de quelques éléments-clefs, souvent métalliques, agissant comme des phares dans l’obscurité; ils m’indiquent un chemin scintillant, une nouvelle voie à emprunter.
Ce processus en 3 temps – agrégation de matériau, enfouissement du tout puis révélation de l’essentiel – fait écho à ma psychanalyse, commencée au même moment que la série Inferno. »
« I begin by assembling, embroidering or knotting pieces of leather, lace, hair, teeth, ribbons, mirrors, pearls, hard stones, dolls’ limbs and eyes, and other treasures collected over time, onto canvas or other supports.
I then proceed to bury these fetishes in plaster. This unavoidable ritual sacrifice precedes the exhumation of a few key elements, often metallic, acting as beacons in the darkness, pointing out a glittering path, a new way forward.
This 3-stage process – aggregation of material, burial of the whole, then revelation of the essential – echoes my psychoanalysis, begun at the same time as the Inferno series. »
Cosmic Pulses
Acrylic paint, varnish, pigments, Posca, dry pastel, gold leaf, copper leaf, plaster, metal, glitter, mirrors, doll eyes, false eyelashes, 2013
The Stay of the happy Ones
Plaster, acrylic paint, gouache, gold leaf, copper leaf, doll body members and eyes, metal, munitions, skin, glitter, mirrors, crystals, copper chicken feet, false eyelashes, hair, coral, wood, 2013

Acrylic paint, pigments, gold leaf, dry pastel, varnish, metal, doll body members and eyes, teeth, mirrors, latex on canvas, 2012

The Field of Tears
Acrylic paint, pigments, gold leaf, dry pastel, doll eyes, metal, varnish on canvas, 2012


The Palace of Dreams
Plastic, plaster, acrylic paint, gouache, gold leaf, copper leaf, silver leave, pearls, crystals, glitter, doll eyes, false eyelashes, metal on skin, medical equipment, 2014

The Field of Warriors
Plastic, plaster, doll body members and eyes, crystals, hair, teeth, small bells, gold leaf, 2012


Knitting, doll body members and eyes, plaster, mirrors, hair, false eyelashes, pearls, glitter, 2013

Acrylic paint, gouache, plaster, pigments, dry pastel, gold leaf, copper leaf, doll eyes, false eyelashes, metal, mirrors 2013